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Сталин. Жизнь одного вождя / Russian
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Сталин. Жизнь одного вождя
Stalin. Zhiznʹ odnogo vozhdiaStalin. The life of one leader
Available: 10+
Language Collection: RUSSIAN
Spory o tom, naskolʹko velika edinolichnaia rolʹ Stalina v massovykh repressiiakh protiv sobstvennogo naseleniia, razviazannykh v 30-e gody proshlogo veka i poluchivshikh nazvanie “Bolʹshoĭ terror”, ne stikhaiut uzhe mnogie desiatiletiia. Kniga Olega Khlevniuka budet interesna tem, kto pytaetsia naĭti otvet na ėtot i drugie voprosy: byl li u strany, pereprygnuvsheĭ ot monarkhii k sotsializmu, inoĭ putʹ? Sluchaĭno li absoliutnaia vlastʹ dostalasʹ odnomu cheloveku i mozhno li bylo ee ogranichitʹ? Kakova rolʹ Stalina v porazheniiakh i pobedakh v Velikoĭ Otechestvennoĭ voĭne?V otlichie ot avtorov, kotorye pytaiutsia obelitʹ Stalina ili ishchut legkiĭ putʹ k serdtsu chitatelia, vybiraia pikantnye detali, Khlevniuk sozdaet masshtabnyĭ, podrobnyĭ i dostovernyĭ portret strany i ee lidera. Uchenyĭ s mirovym imenem, avtor opiraetsia tolʹko na proverennye istochniki i na dele dokazyvaet, chto fakty uvlekatelʹnee i krasnorechivee liubogo vymysla. Oleg Khlevniuk — doktor istoricheskikh nauk, vedushchiĭ nauchnyĭ sotrudnik Mezhdunarodnogo tsentra istorii i sotsiologii Vtoroĭ mirovoĭ voĭny i ee posledstviĭ Natsionalʹnogo issledovatelʹskogo universiteta “Vysshaia shkola ėkonomiki”, glavnyĭ spetsialist Gosudarstvennogo arkhiva Rossiĭskoĭ Federatsii.
Osobennosti upakovki: Chastichnaia lakirovka oblozhki. TSvet Korichnevyĭ, Siniĭ
Spory o tom, naskolʹko velika edinolichnaia rolʹ Stalina v massovykh repressiiakh protiv sobstvennogo naseleniia, razviazannykh v 30-e gody proshlogo veka i poluchivshikh nazvanie “Bolʹshoĭ terror”, ne stikhaiut uzhe mnogie desiatiletiia. Kniga Olega Khlevniuka budet interesna tem, kto pytaetsia naĭti otvet na ėtot i drugie voprosy: byl li u strany, pereprygnuvsheĭ ot monarkhii k sotsializmu, inoĭ putʹ? Sluchaĭno li absoliutnaia vlastʹ dostalasʹ odnomu cheloveku i mozhno li bylo ee ogranichitʹ? Kakova rolʹ Stalina v porazheniiakh i pobedakh v Velikoĭ Otechestvennoĭ voĭne?V otlichie ot avtorov, kotorye pytaiutsia obelitʹ Stalina ili ishchut legkiĭ putʹ k serdtsu chitatelia, vybiraia pikantnye detali, Khlevniuk sozdaet masshtabnyĭ, podrobnyĭ i dostovernyĭ portret strany i ee lidera. Uchenyĭ s mirovym imenem, avtor opiraetsia tolʹko na proverennye istochniki i na dele dokazyvaet, chto fakty uvlekatelʹnee i krasnorechivee liubogo vymysla. Oleg Khlevniuk — doktor istoricheskikh nauk, vedushchiĭ nauchnyĭ sotrudnik Mezhdunarodnogo tsentra istorii i sotsiologii Vtoroĭ mirovoĭ voĭny i ee posledstviĭ Natsionalʹnogo issledovatelʹskogo universiteta “Vysshaia shkola ėkonomiki”, glavnyĭ spetsialist Gosudarstvennogo arkhiva Rossiĭskoĭ Federatsii.
Osobennosti upakovki: Chastichnaia lakirovka oblozhki. TSvet Korichnevyĭ, Siniĭ
Disputes about how great sole Stalin's role in mass repressions against its own people, unleashed in 30-ies of the last century and was called the “Great terror”, does not subside for many decades. Book Oleg khlevniuk, will be interesting to those who are trying to find the answer to this and other questions: was the country, perepihnutsja from monarchy to socialism, another way? Is it an accident of absolute power went to one man and whether it was possible to restrict it? What is the role of Stalin in the defeats and victories in the great Patriotic war?Unlike authors who try to whitewash Stalin or looking for an easy path to the heart of the reader, choosing the juicy details, Khlevniuk creates large-scale, detailed and reliable portrait of the country and its leader. A renowned scholar, the author relies only on proven sources and proves that the facts more fun and more eloquent than any fiction. Oleg Khlevniuk — doctor of historical Sciences, leading researcher of the International center for the history and sociology of world war II and its consequences National research University “Higher school of Economics”, chief specialist, State archive of the Russian Federation.
Features of the package: Partial varnishing cover. Color Brown, Blue
Disputes about how great sole Stalin's role in mass repressions against its own people, unleashed in 30-ies of the last century and was called the “Great terror”, does not subside for many decades. Book Oleg khlevniuk, will be interesting to those who are trying to find the answer to this and other questions: was the country, perepihnutsja from monarchy to socialism, another way? Is it an accident of absolute power went to one man and whether it was possible to restrict it? What is the role of Stalin in the defeats and victories in the great Patriotic war?Unlike authors who try to whitewash Stalin or looking for an easy path to the heart of the reader, choosing the juicy details, Khlevniuk creates large-scale, detailed and reliable portrait of the country and its leader. A renowned scholar, the author relies only on proven sources and proves that the facts more fun and more eloquent than any fiction. Oleg Khlevniuk — doctor of historical Sciences, leading researcher of the International center for the history and sociology of world war II and its consequences National research University “Higher school of Economics”, chief specialist, State archive of the Russian Federation.
Features of the package: Partial varnishing cover. Color Brown, Blue