New Arrival Russian Books - Download our ORDER FORM November 2024
Хоббит / Ukrainian
Available: 10+
Language Collection: RUSSIAN
The Hobbit
Dzhon Ronalʹd Ruėl Tolkin — pisatelʹ, poėt, filolog, professor Oksfordskogo universiteta, rodonachalʹnik sovremennoĭ fėntezi. V 1937 godu byl napisan «Khobbit», a v seredine 1950-kh godov uvideli svet tri knigi «Vlastelina kolets», povestvuiushchie o Sredizemʹe — mire, naselennom predstaviteliami volshebnykh ras so slozhnoĭ kulʹturoĭ, istorieĭ i mifologieĭ... V posleduiushchie gody ėti romany byli perevedeny na vse mirovye iazyki, adaptirovany dlia kino, mulʹtiplikatsii, audiopʹes, teatra, kompʹiuternykh igr, komiksov i porodili massu podrazhaniĭ i parodiĭ. Vpervye s illiustratsiiami samogo Dzhona R.R. Tolkina! Perevodchiki: V. Bakanov, E. Dobrokhotova-Maĭkova. Perevod stikhov: G. Kruzhkov.
Osobennosti upakovki: TSvet Zelënyĭ, Fioletovyĭ
The Hobbit
Dzhon Ronalʹd Ruėl Tolkin — pisatelʹ, poėt, filolog, professor Oksfordskogo universiteta, rodonachalʹnik sovremennoĭ fėntezi. V 1937 godu byl napisan «Khobbit», a v seredine 1950-kh godov uvideli svet tri knigi «Vlastelina kolets», povestvuiushchie o Sredizemʹe — mire, naselennom predstaviteliami volshebnykh ras so slozhnoĭ kulʹturoĭ, istorieĭ i mifologieĭ... V posleduiushchie gody ėti romany byli perevedeny na vse mirovye iazyki, adaptirovany dlia kino, mulʹtiplikatsii, audiopʹes, teatra, kompʹiuternykh igr, komiksov i porodili massu podrazhaniĭ i parodiĭ. Vpervye s illiustratsiiami samogo Dzhona R.R. Tolkina! Perevodchiki: V. Bakanov, E. Dobrokhotova-Maĭkova. Perevod stikhov: G. Kruzhkov.
Osobennosti upakovki: TSvet Zelënyĭ, Fioletovyĭ
The Hobbit
John Ronald Reuel Tolkien — writer, poet, philologist, Professor of the University of Oxford, the father of modern fantasy. In 1937 he wrote "the Hobbit", and in the mid 1950-ies saw the light three books of Lord of the rings, a story of middle — earth-a world populated by representatives of the magical races with a complex culture, history and mythology... In subsequent years, these novels were translated into all world languages, adapted for film, animation, audioplus, theatre, computer games, comics and spawned a lot of imitators and parodies. For the first time with the illustrations of John R. R. Tolkien! Translators: V. Bakanov, E. Dobrokhotova-Maikova. The translation of poetry: City of Circles.
Features of packing: Color Green, Purple
The Hobbit
John Ronald Reuel Tolkien — writer, poet, philologist, Professor of the University of Oxford, the father of modern fantasy. In 1937 he wrote "the Hobbit", and in the mid 1950-ies saw the light three books of Lord of the rings, a story of middle — earth-a world populated by representatives of the magical races with a complex culture, history and mythology... In subsequent years, these novels were translated into all world languages, adapted for film, animation, audioplus, theatre, computer games, comics and spawned a lot of imitators and parodies. For the first time with the illustrations of John R. R. Tolkien! Translators: V. Bakanov, E. Dobrokhotova-Maikova. The translation of poetry: City of Circles.
Features of packing: Color Green, Purple